July 30, 2010

Snow White Sneak Peek

Whew! Snow White's been giving me a bit of trouble, but it's been fun to do some embroidery. I love making little needle-woven flowers and leaves, so I just had to add some! I'm afraid the rose does still look a little background-y to me, though I did something between threadpainting and satin stitch to puff it up. After deciding that wasn't enough, I cut it out to use it as an applique, used another piece of fabric between the rose and the cuff for a bit more height, and finally attached it using a blanket stitch. I'm planning to edge it in a baby blue (for the marriage-minded, maybe? A little something blue?). I'm not one-hundred-percent sure what I think about it yet. I don't think I'll know until it's done.


  1. Wow! I love the embroidery and beading and the rose looks great! From the pics I don't see it looking 'background-y'! It's wonderful!

  2. Dang, gurl, you're going all 3D over here!
